Roll out shelves are ingenious solutions that work great not only in households – they are great storage solutions for shop owners who want to store their products safely and comfortably and also want to make shelf restocking quick and easy. Here are a few tips how to use them:
- Use them underneath your shelves – customers usually buy the products that they see at eye level, so you can just lift your shelves a bit and install some roll out shelves with a door to create an extra storage cabinet. Make sure that the shelves in each cabinet contain products displayed on the specific shelf above them, otherwise you risk spending more time looking for products to place on the shelves and taking inventory can also become more difficult;
- Use them in your storage space or warehouse area as well – roll out shelves do an excellent service in the warehouse as well, allowing you to locate and to grab the product requested by your customer quickly;
- Great for large and heavy items – you can install large roll out shelves underneath storage cabinets, right above floor level to store heavy or bulky items safely and out of the way. Customers are saying that shelves that slide Denver companies are installing are helpful and truly a way to make the task at hand easier and definitely more organized.